
ZenIT Workshop - For Programmers

Today, I did a more advanced ZenIT workshop with some experienced programmers!

As usual, we did Zazen meditation, this time facing the windows outside! Keeping our focus and well being intact was very important.

For the actual programming part, we had everyone experience using Docker to run Linux containers, playing with Google Test and simple C++ programs, built with TDD!

After this, we broke into pairs, working on creative C++ with TDD projects, with me coming in 3 times to shuffle the pairs! This was necessary to prove to everyone the power of pairing, which is resistance to team rotations, fun, and creative.

It was super fun!


ZenIT - Build Your HTML/JavaScript Website for Beginners

Today, we worked on building a basic website using pair programming and Zen meditation!

We started off with a presentation about ZenIT and the cutting-edge extreme programming style from Silicon Valley.
最初はZenITとシリコンバレーの最先端のExtreme Programming作法について発表しました。

After this, we watched an official video on how to do Zazen meditation, followed by 5 minutes of actually doing it!

Then, we dug into the basics of HTML/JavaScript with Yuuka Shimomaki, a high school student, helping me out to explain it!

After this, we split into teams and did pair programming to work on our own creative websites.

Of course, we did Zazen meditation again during our breaks. And, after about 20 minutes, we swapped pairs, worked a bit more and each team presented it's product!

Here are the projects! みんなのプロジェクト!

To finish off, we had a retrospective meeting, discussing what went well and not so well! Constant improvement!

It was a super fun day and almost everyone wanted to keep learning more programming.
Let's create a place where people can learn programming in a happy, peaceful way, and also get some work done!


ZenIT and IoT Programming for Beginners with IchigoSoda

Cross-posted at http://fukuno.jig.jp/2262 !

鯖江の会社、ウォンツとイベント「はじめてのIoTプログラミング with ZenIT」
IchigoSoda (IchigoJam x sakura.io) を途中から ZenIT ペアプログラミングスタイルにして、アプリとIoTづくりと学ぶ体験会。

At Wants, a company in Sabae, we did an introductory ZenIT IoT programming seminar using IchigoSoda (IchigoJam x sakura.io).


We shaped our hands, quieten down our minds, starting with Zazen meditation from Amil.


Zazen: chair version.


We also had an important experience setting up the wires for IchigoJam.


体験と共に紹介した、こどもプログラミングの現状、シリコンバレーでの最新開発現場と禅/福井の良さ。 パソコン教室を手がけるウォンツグループ、子供にシニアに大人に、プログラミングの知識をプラスする楽しさ、いろいろ可能性広がります。

Pair programming, app creation, IoT fundamentals.

We experienced introductory programming for kids, the Silicon Valley's advanced coding style, and Zen/Fukui's goodness. Wants group also does a lot of programming education for kids and there are many possibilities.


本日のスライド、ペアプロをもっとスムーズに改良版「はじめてのIoTプログラミング with ZenIT

Wants, supports the "wants" of people all across the world!

The slide deck from today can be found here: 「はじめてのIoTプログラミング with ZenIT


Let's tune IchigoJam to support pair programming. Using UART, we can get the keyboard input in realtime and get into a mode where the monitor is not displayed, a new feature!

1シリアル送信ON (PRINTのみ)
2シリアル送信ON (PRINT、LC/CLSの制御コード送信) *初期設定
3シリアル送信ON (PRINT 改行コードを \r\n に変換)
4シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバックのみ) [new!] 1.2b63
5シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバック、PRINT) [new!] 1.2b63
6シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバック、PRINT、LC/CLSの制御コード送信) [new!] 1.2b63
7シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバック、PRINT 改行コードを \r\n に変換) [new!] 1.2b63

1シリアル受信ON *初期設定
2シリアル受信ON (ESCコード無効化)
4シリアル受信ON (改行コードを \r を \n に変換)

ベータ版のダウンロードはこちら! (IoT.OUT/IoT.IN()コマンドも内蔵!)
- IchigoJam 1.2b63

The beta version can be download here (with IoT.OUT and IoT.IN() commands).
- IchigoJam 1.2b63

For any questions, please see the Facebook and Twitter pages.