
ZenIT Workshop: AI Government

Today, I paired in ZenIT style with Masashi Dojo, a Japanese programmer living in Katsuyama, Fukui with 10 years of experience in mobile apps and testing.

We did Zazen meditation 3 times, for 12/12/5 minutes, constantly bringing ourselves back to a state of emptiness.

Also, we took many breaks to keep ourselves fresh!

We worked on making an AI government using TDD in HTML and JavaScript. It's still incomplete, but here it is!


ZenIT with IchigoSoda for Beginners

---From Taisuke Fukuno's blog post---

Eiheiji Town's Evolution Ambassador Amil gave a Zen x Programming workshop, combining Silicon Valley Extreme Programming style and Zen. He did at Eiheiji Town's Four Seasons Forest Cultural Center's Sanshoukaku room.

永平寺町エボリューション大使あみるによる、Zen x Programming ワークショップ。

Over 3 hours (2pm-5pm), we enjoyed a mix of programming and Zazen meditation.


IT, AI, robots, seem far from humans, but actually humans made them.
The best match must be the Zen x Silicon Valley style which keeps our mind and body healthy.


Using two monitors, two keyboards, and one IchigoJam with two people at the same time is Silicon Valley Pair Programming style. We did a neat trick by using one IchigoJam to relay the keyboard and video signals to the other one. (Workshop Slides PDF)

2台のモニター、2台のキーボードで1台のIchigoJamを二人で同時に使うのが、シリコンバレーのペアプログラミングスタイル。 1台のIchigoJamを中継用にちょっと細工します。(ワークショップ、スライド PDF

The ESC key does not work on IchigoJam A because the program to transfer the keystrokes would be terminated (at which point you would have to press F5 to run it again).
IchigoJam A's left and right keys toggle the character's movement with two presses, which is a bit strange, so the game should be played with IchigoJam B.
We can fix it by changing the program to use INKEY instead of BTN.
36 K=INKEY():X=X-(K=28)+(K=29)

ESCキーは、IchigoJam Aでは効きません(キー転送用のプログラムが終わってしまうので、再度F5で動かそう)
IchigoJam A の左右キーは2度押して戻るトグル式となってちょっと操作感が違うので、ゲームするなら B で! 下記のようにBTNをINKEYに変えることで、同じ操作感になります。
36 K=INKEY():X=X-(K=28)+(K=29)

Having fun doing pair programming to make a game for the first time!


You can also make VR to change what you see with programming! We used Oculus Go and Smartphone MR during the break time.

VRや、視界だってプログラミングできちゃうよ!と休み時間中に Oculus Go や、スマホMRの体験会。

The huge Japanese style room had fantastic pictures on the ceiling!


Perfect in Autumn... The Four Seasons Forest Culture Center.



IchigoJam + Docker/Linux/C Zen/Yoga Programming Workshop

We had fun doing many things today!

At first, Shimono, Shun, and myself, guys in our 20s, went up to the 2nd floor Zen room and did pair programming with IchigoJam connected to a monitor.

We took a break and did about 10 minutes of yoga and everyone said it felt really good!

After that, Dojo-san, an IchigoJam pro showed up, and helped us make a simple game.

For the next break, all 4 of us did Zazen meditation for 10 minutes. I was able to calm down my mind, but one of us had trouble sitting still for that long!

After that we split into two pairs, beginners and advanced, to do our separate projects.

A bit later, the beginners then presented their IchigoJam game that they made.

For the advanced pair, we used Docker on Windows to spin up a CentOS container to make a C program using vi and gcc.

最後は30分ぐらいかけて意見交換しました。シリコンバレースタイルのPivotal LabsのRetrospectiveというなやり方で!ペアとヨガが好きだった人が多くて、同時にさるに攻撃させるのは怖い人も多くて!
At the end, we spent about half an hour exchanging our opinions using the "retrospective" style from Pivotal Labs! Many people liked pair programming and Yoga, and just as many where scared of being attacked by monkeys!


Zen Programming Workshop - Open Source Greenplum Database

Today, I did a Zen programming workshop for about 2 hours with Masashi Dojo, a Japanese programmer with 7 years of experience! We met up at Fukui station, got pumped up after having dinner at a Japanese restaurant with nice Feng Shui, drove over to the Eiheiji Four Seasons Cultural Center, and started the workshop.

At first, we used the WiFi in the first floor office room to download the open source Greenplum code and set up our Docker environment. After that, we went up to the 2nd floor Zen hall.

It was pretty hot, so we went outside to do Zazen meditation on benches/zabuton for about 10 minutes in the beautiful nature under a starry sky surrounding by greenery. Amil got quite calm afterwards, but Masahi got nervours from being on alert of surroundings.

その後はワークショップを続いて、GreenplumのコードのConfigureとBuildとInstallをして、Demo Clusterを立ち上げられました。
After that, we configured, built, and installed the code after which we set up a demo cluster.

Greenplumの構成も少し説明して、簡単なSQL Queryを書きました。
I also explained the Greenplum architecture and we wrote some simple SQL queries.

Finally, we put up an open source PR on GitHub!

At the end we went outside to do Zazen meditation again, but got scared from the noises of animals we felt around us, so ran inside and locked the doors!

Masahi's impressions were first scared! and then thankful that he could study Linux, vi, and GitHub!


Zen Programming - Private Class

Today, I gave a Zen programming private lesson to Shinichiro Nabeyama, a 15-year-old Japanese high school student who knows a little bit of English and had some prior experience with programming.

While communicating with simple English and Japanese, we used Docker on Windows to spin up CentOS containers, upon which we used vi to write C code that we compiled and ran with gcc.

Shinichiro didn’t have much experience with C, so a lot of our time was spent on explaining the fundamentals of C, but the actual code was not so complicated and we could do some TDD.

#include "assert.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"

char* artist(char* song)
        if (0 == strcmp(song, "levels"))
                return "avicii";
        else if (0 == strcmp(song, "faded"))
                return "alan walker";
        else if (0 == strcmp(song,"lose"))
                return "shinzex";

        return "unknown";

int addBack_old(int x)
        if (x == 0)
                return 0;
        if (x == 1)
                return 1;
        if (x == 2)
                return 1 + 2;
        if (x == 3)
                return 1 + 2 + 3;
        if (x == 4)
                return 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;

        return -1;

int addBack(int x)
        if (x == 0)
                return 0;

        return x + addBack(x-1);

void test()
        assert(addBack(0) == 0);
        assert(addBack(1) == 1);
        assert(addBack(2) == 3);
        assert(addBack(3) == 6);
        assert(addBack(4) == 10);

int main()
        //printf(artist("levels")); printf("\n");
        //printf(artist("faded")); printf("\n");
        //printf(artist("lose")); printf("\n");


        //for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
        //      printf("%d", addBack(i));
        //      printf("\n");

Recursive functionの作り方も教えました。
I also taught a bit about recursive functions.

Of course, being a Zen programming workshop, we did Zazen. Also, I showed Shinichiro some of the Yoga I had been practicing for 13 years.

Extreme Programmingというなシリコンバレースタイルのペアプログラミングもやってて、2つのモニター、2つのキーボード、2つのマウスでした。あいにく、しん君のキーボードは日本語版だったからかなり苦労しました。
Using the “Silicon Valley style” Extreme programming, we used 2 monitors, 2 keyboards, 2 mice. Unfortunately, Shinichiro’s keyboard was Japanese so we had some difficulties there!

We also had some trouble turning on the lights in the Zazen room, as well as no fan, so Shinichiro was bearing the heat!

It was a short 3 hours, but we were able to do many things, and make some mistakes to help make next time even better!