

Code Chrysalisのカニ先生と初心者向けのJavaScriptのZenITのワークショップを開きました!(イベント詳細








About ZenIT

If you are a software developer and interested in joining the effort, please check out the Pilot Program and let your friends know about it!

Japanese slides: 日本語のスライド

Can you imagine a world where every workplace is a peaceful retreat, leaving every day feeling better than when you came in to work?

The goal of the ZenIT project is to bring peace to the workforce by defining a new style of working... one that is very peaceful and highly productive, enabling us to think creatively and apply technology at the greatest levels mankind has seen yet. We have taken on the responsibility to reverse the global trends of high workplace stress and burnout. And our goal by 2040 is for every person in the world to have the option of a peaceful job.

The war and human rights violations occurring daily in “peaceful” countries often goes ignored. In Japan and China, I must watch many of my good friends suffering in the workforce, where they are made to work 10-20 hours per day and on weekends, developing mental diseases and sometimes being driven to death. Even back home in the Silicon Valley, with shorter working hours, high stress, mental illnesses (anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc.), and food issues (heartburn, etc.) are regarded as normal. Myself included, many of us have lived in hell, despite being surrounded by beautiful things, technology, and an abundance of money.

We must also be aware that technology also poses a threat. Although it is convenient, human society is not fully aware of the side effects of heavy computer/smartphone use. In my own personal experience, I have found it to damage my mind and internal organs, manifesting as anxiety and severe heartburn. We cannot continue like this. How will the current generation of toddlers being raised on tablet computers grow up? It’s critical that we redefine the way we use technology so that future generations have a proper chance at life.

But how can these problems be solved? Perhaps by defining the ZenIT style of work and spreading it globally. This mission will require an immense amount of collaborative effort, research studies (Psychology/Computer Science), corporate training programs, education for kids, collaboration with governments on law change, recognition by the United Nations, and so forth. The vision is to have ZenIT centers in every country of the world and ZenIT’s mission has support from young leaders from 50+ countries.

Fortunately, the founder of ZenIT is well-positioned to lead this effort, having been granted:
  1. Proficiency in the highly productive Silicon Valley software development styles and pair programming, with access to developers and executives at several Silicon Valley firms 
  2. UC Berkeley Computer Science degree, with access to the global alumni network 
  3. Eiheiji Town Evolution Ambassador, with access to the peaceful principles of Zen and meditation, highly developed over 750 years, and the Japanese government 
  4. One Young World Ambassador with access to a worldwide network of young leaders, presidents/prime ministers, famous CEOs, and Nobel Laureates committed to bettering the world
  5. 13+ years of experience in Martial Arts, Yoga, and mindfulness

About Eiheiji and Zen

Fukui is continuously ranked as the happiest prefecture in Japan and Eiheiji town is among the happiest towns in it. Eiheiji is the head temple of Soto Zen, with 15,000 branch temples across the world. Up to 6,000 people per day visit it for sightseeing.

Japanese Zen focuses on learning yourself and reducing suffering through Zazen sitting meditation and many philosophical teachings. It is a highly advanced way of living that yields peaceful human beings.


Please contact us at info_web@ZenIT.jp. We are very happy to share more details, get feedback, and set up workshops for your group.

Join the ZenIT Team
We are very open to accepting new members into the team. The only real requirement is a passion towards the ZenIT vision. Currently, we’re looking for possible co-founders and people with strong creativity/initiative.

The current team is composed of people from many disciplines (IT, social work, governmental, etc.) and everybody is volunteering their time. 

ZenIT Core Team & Advisory

Please see this page.


ZenIT Talk @ UC Berkeley

ZenIT: Mindful Work through Zen Meditation and Collaboration

In this session, Amil Khanzada, former UC Berkeley Computer Science alumnus now indicted as Evolution Ambassador of Eiheiji Town in Japan, will talk about ZenIT, a new movement to define a style of working that is highly productive *and* peaceful, by combining Japanese Soto Zen meditation and Silicon Valley software development pairing/collaboration principles.

The movement is based in Eiheiji Town, which sits in the happiest region of Japan and houses the head temple for Soto Zen with over 15,000 temples worldwide.

The ZenIT team will be running a free pilot program in Japan until March 2019, so we are looking for:
- software developers interested in joining the pilot
- students interested in writing a research paper (increase productivity, mindfulness, well-being, happiness, etc.)

Friday, November 9th, 4-5pm

UC Berkeley campus, Berkeley, California
370 Dwinelle

UC Berkeley Japanese Department

Amil Khanzada
Founder of ZenIT
One Young World 2018 Fukui delegate (profile)
UC Berkeley Computer Science 2012 graduate (profile)
Silicon Valley developer (experience)


ZenIT Workshop - For Programmers

Today, I did a more advanced ZenIT workshop with some experienced programmers!

As usual, we did Zazen meditation, this time facing the windows outside! Keeping our focus and well being intact was very important.

For the actual programming part, we had everyone experience using Docker to run Linux containers, playing with Google Test and simple C++ programs, built with TDD!

After this, we broke into pairs, working on creative C++ with TDD projects, with me coming in 3 times to shuffle the pairs! This was necessary to prove to everyone the power of pairing, which is resistance to team rotations, fun, and creative.

It was super fun!


ZenIT - Build Your HTML/JavaScript Website for Beginners

Today, we worked on building a basic website using pair programming and Zen meditation!

We started off with a presentation about ZenIT and the cutting-edge extreme programming style from Silicon Valley.
最初はZenITとシリコンバレーの最先端のExtreme Programming作法について発表しました。

After this, we watched an official video on how to do Zazen meditation, followed by 5 minutes of actually doing it!

Then, we dug into the basics of HTML/JavaScript with Yuuka Shimomaki, a high school student, helping me out to explain it!

After this, we split into teams and did pair programming to work on our own creative websites.

Of course, we did Zazen meditation again during our breaks. And, after about 20 minutes, we swapped pairs, worked a bit more and each team presented it's product!

Here are the projects! みんなのプロジェクト!

To finish off, we had a retrospective meeting, discussing what went well and not so well! Constant improvement!

It was a super fun day and almost everyone wanted to keep learning more programming.
Let's create a place where people can learn programming in a happy, peaceful way, and also get some work done!


ZenIT and IoT Programming for Beginners with IchigoSoda

Cross-posted at http://fukuno.jig.jp/2262 !

鯖江の会社、ウォンツとイベント「はじめてのIoTプログラミング with ZenIT」
IchigoSoda (IchigoJam x sakura.io) を途中から ZenIT ペアプログラミングスタイルにして、アプリとIoTづくりと学ぶ体験会。

At Wants, a company in Sabae, we did an introductory ZenIT IoT programming seminar using IchigoSoda (IchigoJam x sakura.io).


We shaped our hands, quieten down our minds, starting with Zazen meditation from Amil.


Zazen: chair version.


We also had an important experience setting up the wires for IchigoJam.


体験と共に紹介した、こどもプログラミングの現状、シリコンバレーでの最新開発現場と禅/福井の良さ。 パソコン教室を手がけるウォンツグループ、子供にシニアに大人に、プログラミングの知識をプラスする楽しさ、いろいろ可能性広がります。

Pair programming, app creation, IoT fundamentals.

We experienced introductory programming for kids, the Silicon Valley's advanced coding style, and Zen/Fukui's goodness. Wants group also does a lot of programming education for kids and there are many possibilities.


本日のスライド、ペアプロをもっとスムーズに改良版「はじめてのIoTプログラミング with ZenIT

Wants, supports the "wants" of people all across the world!

The slide deck from today can be found here: 「はじめてのIoTプログラミング with ZenIT


Let's tune IchigoJam to support pair programming. Using UART, we can get the keyboard input in realtime and get into a mode where the monitor is not displayed, a new feature!

1シリアル送信ON (PRINTのみ)
2シリアル送信ON (PRINT、LC/CLSの制御コード送信) *初期設定
3シリアル送信ON (PRINT 改行コードを \r\n に変換)
4シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバックのみ) [new!] 1.2b63
5シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバック、PRINT) [new!] 1.2b63
6シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバック、PRINT、LC/CLSの制御コード送信) [new!] 1.2b63
7シリアル送信ON (キー入力のエコーバック、PRINT 改行コードを \r\n に変換) [new!] 1.2b63

1シリアル受信ON *初期設定
2シリアル受信ON (ESCコード無効化)
4シリアル受信ON (改行コードを \r を \n に変換)

ベータ版のダウンロードはこちら! (IoT.OUT/IoT.IN()コマンドも内蔵!)
- IchigoJam 1.2b63

The beta version can be download here (with IoT.OUT and IoT.IN() commands).
- IchigoJam 1.2b63

For any questions, please see the Facebook and Twitter pages.


ZenIT Workshop: AI Government

Today, I paired in ZenIT style with Masashi Dojo, a Japanese programmer living in Katsuyama, Fukui with 10 years of experience in mobile apps and testing.

We did Zazen meditation 3 times, for 12/12/5 minutes, constantly bringing ourselves back to a state of emptiness.

Also, we took many breaks to keep ourselves fresh!

We worked on making an AI government using TDD in HTML and JavaScript. It's still incomplete, but here it is!


ZenIT with IchigoSoda for Beginners

---From Taisuke Fukuno's blog post---

Eiheiji Town's Evolution Ambassador Amil gave a Zen x Programming workshop, combining Silicon Valley Extreme Programming style and Zen. He did at Eiheiji Town's Four Seasons Forest Cultural Center's Sanshoukaku room.

永平寺町エボリューション大使あみるによる、Zen x Programming ワークショップ。

Over 3 hours (2pm-5pm), we enjoyed a mix of programming and Zazen meditation.


IT, AI, robots, seem far from humans, but actually humans made them.
The best match must be the Zen x Silicon Valley style which keeps our mind and body healthy.


Using two monitors, two keyboards, and one IchigoJam with two people at the same time is Silicon Valley Pair Programming style. We did a neat trick by using one IchigoJam to relay the keyboard and video signals to the other one. (Workshop Slides PDF)

2台のモニター、2台のキーボードで1台のIchigoJamを二人で同時に使うのが、シリコンバレーのペアプログラミングスタイル。 1台のIchigoJamを中継用にちょっと細工します。(ワークショップ、スライド PDF

The ESC key does not work on IchigoJam A because the program to transfer the keystrokes would be terminated (at which point you would have to press F5 to run it again).
IchigoJam A's left and right keys toggle the character's movement with two presses, which is a bit strange, so the game should be played with IchigoJam B.
We can fix it by changing the program to use INKEY instead of BTN.
36 K=INKEY():X=X-(K=28)+(K=29)

ESCキーは、IchigoJam Aでは効きません(キー転送用のプログラムが終わってしまうので、再度F5で動かそう)
IchigoJam A の左右キーは2度押して戻るトグル式となってちょっと操作感が違うので、ゲームするなら B で! 下記のようにBTNをINKEYに変えることで、同じ操作感になります。
36 K=INKEY():X=X-(K=28)+(K=29)

Having fun doing pair programming to make a game for the first time!


You can also make VR to change what you see with programming! We used Oculus Go and Smartphone MR during the break time.

VRや、視界だってプログラミングできちゃうよ!と休み時間中に Oculus Go や、スマホMRの体験会。

The huge Japanese style room had fantastic pictures on the ceiling!


Perfect in Autumn... The Four Seasons Forest Culture Center.



IchigoJam + Docker/Linux/C Zen/Yoga Programming Workshop

We had fun doing many things today!

At first, Shimono, Shun, and myself, guys in our 20s, went up to the 2nd floor Zen room and did pair programming with IchigoJam connected to a monitor.

We took a break and did about 10 minutes of yoga and everyone said it felt really good!

After that, Dojo-san, an IchigoJam pro showed up, and helped us make a simple game.

For the next break, all 4 of us did Zazen meditation for 10 minutes. I was able to calm down my mind, but one of us had trouble sitting still for that long!

After that we split into two pairs, beginners and advanced, to do our separate projects.

A bit later, the beginners then presented their IchigoJam game that they made.

For the advanced pair, we used Docker on Windows to spin up a CentOS container to make a C program using vi and gcc.

最後は30分ぐらいかけて意見交換しました。シリコンバレースタイルのPivotal LabsのRetrospectiveというなやり方で!ペアとヨガが好きだった人が多くて、同時にさるに攻撃させるのは怖い人も多くて!
At the end, we spent about half an hour exchanging our opinions using the "retrospective" style from Pivotal Labs! Many people liked pair programming and Yoga, and just as many where scared of being attacked by monkeys!